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What is the inverse Cramer tracker ETF (SJIM)?

The same logic applies to today's launch of the Inverse Cramer Tracker ETF (SJIM) and the Long Cramer Tracker ETF (LJIM). SJIM's investment objective is to engage in transactions designed to perform the opposite of the return of the investments recommended by television personality Jim Cramer.

How would the inverse ETF work?

Here’s what it does say about how the inverse ETF would work: The Fund is an actively managed exchange traded fund that seeks to achieve its investment objective by engaging in transactions designed to perform the opposite of the return of the investments recommended by television personality Jim Cramer (“Cramer”).

Is inverse Cramer still a meme?

It's worth noting that the concept of "inversing Cramer" was highly popular on social media like r/WallStreetBets given his spotty track record. At the time, I figured inverse Cramer would remain a meme. Well, I was proven wrong.

How many Cramer picks will a Tuttle capital ETF hold?

According to Tuttle Capital, both ETFs will hold 20-25 Cramer picks in an equally weighted allocation. Because Cramer often makes his picks live on TV (or via tweets), the fund will likely have significant turnover to maintain low tracking error with Cramer's recommendations.

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